I’m ba-ack!

…on my personal page…three years later.

As I’ve blogged before, “much has changed” since I gave my personal blog some love.

I’m now married to a gorgeous bearded man with a great butt, and in doing so became a step momma to my favorite eight-year-old in the whole wide world. Shortly thereafter, we found out the impossible was happening — we were pregnant with our own little bundle of joy who’s now a whole ten months old (how did that happen?!). And because life wasn’t crazy enough, we added another furry friend to the family — a three-month-old Australian Shepherd. Fluffy Dog is still here, cute and snuggly as ever, and is my forever spirit animal, if ever there was one.


No longer am I blogging from coffee shops, cafes, pubs, or galavanting across the country from wifi hotspot to wifi hotspot. Instead, I’m simultaneously trying to entertain an extremely active and curious baby, keep the puppy from eating the house, appease the little old lady Fluff, grab the laundry off the line before it starts pouring, attempt to keep the house kinda clean, though that seems like a fool’s errand lately, make sure we all have something somewhat healthy to eat for dinner or anything to eat, really, trying to be good a good wife, a solid friend, and keep up with the insanity of our political news cycle for my full time job blogging, editing, and internetting at Legal Insurrection.

Most days, I love my life. It’s wild, messy, hella fun, and I don’t mind spending an inordinate amount of time cleaning up pee and taking things out of mouths (Baby K is always after the puppy’s chewing antlers). Other days, the chaos and the never-ending but rapidly growing to-do list is overwhelming. But those days pass and I know eventually I’ll look back at the madness with rose-colored bifocals.

In the mean time, you can expect to hear from me more. I’ll be reposting some of my better stuff from Legal Insurrection (though it will be the day after and you should still check out all the goodness there), posting some of my DIY projects (having a family does that to a girl), and sharing my thoughts about anything and everything.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read my posts.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

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